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Water, Wood, Fire, Earth & Metal

Elemental Arts

Purpose In Nature


God uses nature (his creation) as a way to teach us, speak to us, and provide for us. Nature testifies to God's existence. Everyone across the planet is a witness to this testimony.


  "Nature reveals to us God's glory, power, wisdom,    presence, creativity, and love." 


















As with everything God creates, there is order and purpose. In the Bible, there are five specific elements of nature that God repeatedly brings to our attention. Through careful observation over thousands of years, we've witnessed the beautiful and constantly interactive balance of these specific elements. We know this concept today as the theory of the Five Elements.  


God's Five Elements


  "Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal are the Five     Elements."


While they are physical elements in nature, they also represent concepts and a system of balance that reaches far deeper, greater, and higher than our tangible world.  


Each Element is associated with a specific season, a compass direction,  a time of day, a stage in life, along with color, shape, and aspects of humans, such as emotions, senses, activities, organs in our bodies, and so much more.  

"For since the creation of the world

His invisible attributes, His eternal powerand divine nature,

have been clearly seen,

being understood through what has been made,

so that people are without excuse."

- Romans 1:20 

Sunset in Mountain
Zebras in Wild

"But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,

or let the fish in the sea inform you.


Which of these does not know that the hands of the Lord has done this?

In His hand is the life of every creature

and the breath of all mankind."

- Job 12:7-10  


"The heavens are telling of the

glory of God;

and their expanse

is declaring the work of His hands."

- Psalm 19:1





Winter's energy of quietness, a time for stillness and wisdom.


Tree Lined Park


Spring's energy of growth, a time for expansion, and thriving.​




Summer's energy of joy, a time for laughter, and physical activity.


Forest Path


Late summer's energy of grounding, a time for connection and nourishment.​

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Ocean Rocks


Autumn's energy of release, a time for refinement, and purification.

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