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Join Us On MeWe (also Gab & Brighteon)
Social Media

Not on Social Media? No problem. Here's a glimpse of my most recent posts.

Truth is being silenced. Most of my posts are no longer allowed 

on social agenda sites because I encourage love, truth, and to know God.


I'm the only monk at this Monastery who interacts on social media.

I used to ask you to connect with me for God-centered encouragement and inspiration on MeWe, Gab, or Brighteon or to watch my encouraging videos on YouTube, but the closer we get to the seven-year Tribulation the more forcefully truth is being silenced. And like myself -- Godly truth is strategically deleted from the general public. 


Most of my posts are no longer allowed on social agenda sites

because I encourage love, truth, and knowing God. 


I imagine it’s only a matter of time before private websites about God 

are deleted from the internet entirely, 

so feel free to copy, paste, store, and share any of my work that you find encouraging or valuable.

May we continually unite in prayer for ourselves, our loved ones, our nations, and for people across the world to love God, see truth, and share love with each other.


Would you like to put your love into action? Please visit our online store. From all my artwork, 100% of my proceeds are committed to creating new work and supporting charities for children and families in need.

Visit the Online Gallery

Thank you so sincerely for your support.

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