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Will a Loaf of Bread Cost a Day's Pay?

Yes, this is coming.

April 1st 2022, was memorable because it fueled the already collapsing value of the US dollar. It may be remembered as the beginning of the end of the US dollar and solidifying the empire of debt.

Collapse of the US Dollar

Yesterday was the last day of the Petrodollar (the use of the US dollar as the main trading currency for oil). Though this didn't make headlines across the mainstream media, it should resonate as enormously significant to all of us -- especially those of us who use or hold our funds based in the US dollar (from pocket change to bank accounts, 401K, Stockmarket investments, savings plans, and more).

Starting today (April 2nd 2022) Russia no longer accepts US dollars to trade for fuel (gas & oil), food (wheat & grain), fertilizer, metals, and lumber. Today begins the first day of a much faster devaluing/collapse of the US dollar than was already set in motion. But before we start blaming Russia for the collapse of the US dollar, we have our own government to blame. First, this is one of numerous steps we've taken on our own to assure the collapse of the US dollar, and second, the United States fueled this fire with Russia by telling them we're not going to do business with them. So, it's not surprising they would do the same to us. Duh.

But this economic collapse is far larger than current events; it was set in motion decades ago. This catastrophic financial failure was exponentially fueled in 1971 by the temporary suspension of the "Gold Standard": allowing that the dollar will no longer being backed by gold. And two years later, in 1973 this decision became permanent. This means that our beloved dollar has no hard asset value and is valued based only on the belief of those buying into it. From that moment there's nowhere to go but down, aside from the temporary rollercoaster ride based on nothing more than a un-keepable promise (that's there's actual value behind that paper dollar).

Following that, came the actions of printing money without it being backed by anything - devaluating each dollar that exists by every one that's printed. And today, we've escalated these non-sensical actions into amounts that are not only unsustainable but they'd be comical if it wasn't going to destroy the economy - and take human lives with it. In the past two years we've witnessed nearly unthinkable amounts of money being printing - which tremendously devalues every dollar. Some were cheering as "free" money and checks were mailed out or showing up in our bank accounts; but those paying attention saw the writing on the wall - that this can only lead to further economic collapse. The profound realization that more than 40% of the dollars in the world today were printed in the past 4 years, should wake up even the most naive investors and users of the dollar.

I won't be surprised if this (along with other strategic detrimental plans for failure) create a perfect storm for stock markets across the world to begin to collapse as early as this summer 2022. By the end of May we might expect a loss of nearly 30% (even in the USA) and by the end of summer, perhaps a loss of 50% or more with greater losses to come... perhaps even 90% economic collapse in numerous countries. This is just a matter of time. It won't be surprising that this financial collapse happens, the true surprise is that the can has been kicked this far down the road and that it's taking this long. Personally, I believe that's God's grace -- giving each of us a chance to wake up and prepare as best one can for this upcoming devastation.

For today, what the end-of-an-era of the Petrodollar action means is that other countries who were using the dollar as the main trade for oil, food, etc. are now exchanging those dollars to the acceptable currency like the Russian Ruble, or gold. This action devalues the dollar even further.

What's To Come Is Far Worse

Worse times are ahead but thankfully God told us these things in advance so we can prepare. Even if the rapture happens before the seven-year Tribulation begins, we know these waves of destruction will escalate like birth pains, and they’ll occur (as they are now) closer together and each one more powerful than the last... yes, even before the rapture.

How Much Will Prices Rise?

Beyond the strategic devaluing of the dollar, we also see a purposeful plan to create inflation, food shortages, and mass starvation across the planet. So how high will this perfect storm of planned chaos make the price of food? Let's see what God tells us about it in His word.

“And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not damage the oil and the wine.” Revelation 6:6

First, we need to note here, that we're quoting from Revelation chapter 6. When placed in context we know this occurs during the beginning of the first half of the seven-year Tribulation. (And we're not there yet).

But we also know that these things will escalate like birth pains, so prices and food scarcity are on their way toward these prices (even before the Tribulation). How soon? Well, that depends on how close we are to the rapture and the Tribulation. (See my blog post When Will Jesus Return for more details about potential dates.) In general, the closer we are to this scenario, the closer we are to fulfilling these prophecies. Being prepared now (spiritually, mentally, and physically) is always a good plan.

It’s interesting that wheat and barley are listed specifically, and that these are the commodities making headlines today – with mass shortages on their way across the world. In other countries food rationing and food riots have already begun. It’s only a matter of time until it reaches nearly every neighborhood.

Remember, these are planned events, set in motion by Satan and fulfilled by humans, and other entities well. This strategic plan seems to include hyper-inflation, famine, food shortages, food rationing, food passports, poisoned food (via genetic modifications), etc. in order to bring about the kingdom of Satan on earth.

What's a Denarius?

For now, let's figure out what John means by "a quart of wheat for a denarius". First, what’s a denarius, and how much was it worth? Denari literally means 1/10th. And a denarius is a silver coin weighing 1/10th of an ounce. Perhaps this implies that we'll be using silver and gold as money again (instead of the fiat system). But more importantly, we need to know if that's a lot of money.

For that, once again we let the Bible interpret itself. And who better to ask then an accountant? According to Matthew, (who was an accountant in that time; and who wrote the book of Matthew), one denarius was the value of payment for a day’s worth of hard labor.

“... a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. When he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius for the day, he sent them into his vineyard.” Matthew 20:2-13

If one denarius wasn't worth a day's wage then the laborers wouldn't have agreed to it for all their work.

Using the Bible as its own reference we can conclude that in Revelation chapter 6 "a quart of wheat for a denarius", that a quart of wheat costs one day’s worth of current money.

Wheat Into Flour, Then, Into Bread

With one quart of wheat, how much bread can you make? Well, that varies depending on the type of wheat berries you're using (red, white, soft, or hard), how fine it's milled and sifted (coarse, fine, very fine), what kind of flour you're making, along with the density and type of bread you're baking, and the finished size of each loaf.

In general, most bread recipes call for 3-4 cups of flour to make one (two pound) loaf of bread. Depending on how the wheat is processed (and how fine it's milled) approximately one quart of wheat is needed to create three to four cups of flour. That can typically make one loaf of bread. For the simplicity of things, we'll assume one denarius is needed to buy enough wheat to create one loaf of bread. Of course, if a person can make two (small loaves), then we'd reduce the costs (shown below) by half (which are still incredibly expensive!) and the loaves would be smaller or less dense.

Cost of Bread

So, what would that loaf of bread cost during the Tribulation (according to Revelation 6)?

If we use Matthew’s account of a day’s wage, we can calculate it for today (if the Tribulation was here already - which it's not). Yet we can assume the costs in the future will be even higher.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average hourly earnings in the United States (as of March 2022) is $29.39. If we assume pay for an eight-hour day’s-worth of work that’s $235.12 for the day's wage. We can infer that at the moment in the future (according to Revelation 6), the price of a loaf of bread may be around $235.00.

“If this prophecy is fulfilled today, the price of a loaf of bread may be around $235.00."

One loaf of bread is thought to be enough to sustain a single person for one day. If a person has a spouse, that’s $470.24 to keep them both alive for one day. If this couple has three children, the price of bread for their family for a single day would be $1,175.60. And for that same family of five it would cost $8,229.20 per week, and $32,916.80 per month.

Of course, that doesn’t take into consideration nutrients, other food, or other health concerns. Only survival. This also implies that in order to survive one might have to work seven days a week, if you want to eat that day. And that one person (on average) may not be able to provide food for a second person, a spouse, or children. And of course, this doesn’t include other expenses like water, shelter, heat, etc.

Same Pay?

Interestingly, John, in Revelation 6 tells us the price of items in terms of money instead of labor. Perhaps this implies that everyone will earn the same wage for their work. Of course, in the United States, this is a challenging concept to consider. Yet it’s possible that’s what happens. We know that during the Tribulation, the One World Government will control the world, including labor and food. Perhaps they establish an “equal pay for all” policy.

If that’s true, let’s re-calculate that loaf of bread based on the world’s average wage (instead of the United States). When we combine the take-home pay (post taxes) of 107 countries (for a total of $132,875.04), that’s an average of $1,241.82 per month. Assuming a 40-hour work week (160 hours in a month), that’s $7.76 per hour, and $62.09 for one day’s wage.

If a single loaf of bread costs $62.09 and can sustain a human for a single day, then it would cost a couple $869.26 each week to survive. And a family of five would pay $9,313.50 each month just to stay alive.

Not There Yet

In either case, a loaf of bread from $62.09 to $235.00 is difficult to even imagine.

Obviously, we’re not there yet - because we’re still in Revelation chapter 3 (Pre-Tribulation).

But we know these events will escalate from previous ones. So, we shouldn’t be surprised when we see smaller versions of these events happening today.

As of April 10th, we're seeing an average of 12.6% increase in food prices every month across the planet. While this is shocking to many, God warned us of this thousands of years ago. Why? Because He loves us and He doesn't want us to be caught by surprise.

Some of the hardest hit parts of the world so far include Germany, who woke up to 20-50% increases almost overnight!

Other countries have already started food rationing, and across the globe there's an increase in food riots.

Yes, this is coming to first world countries, where many people casually waste and throw away as much of 35% of their food. The United States (and the rest of the first world countries) aren't impervious to this. We too, will see food rationing, food riots, and mass murder being committed before mass death from starvation.

Destroying People's Food Supply, Immune Systems & Financial Systems Was Always the Plan

This is not coincidence or unexpected, these are long-term strategically planned events with a very specific goal. Satan's deception is always to lead people away from God. Among other things, high bread prices and planned starvation are on his agenda.

Almost to our benefit, those who follow Satan's plan also take on Satan's main characteristic, pride. This pride encourages them to boldly tell everyone what they're doing before it happens. In some twisted self-feeding pride, they want us to know it was them, and how deeply woven this long and intricately laid plan is finally coming into place.

For example, listening to what they're telling us "might" be next (and follow the money to who funds these projects) - we realize they're one and the same. This also tells us who they're ultimately working for... and it isn't God.

Satan has a strategic plan that repeats itself throughout history. Read my blog post "Satan's Repeating Pattern" for more details.

For the billions of people who volunteered their health, their immune systems, and their lives for an experimental gene therapy there are nearly uncountable detrimental and deadly consequences that over time will increase in its much darker purpose (and the next round will be far more detrimental). This too, is part of the Satan's strategic plan. But thankfully, God told us these things in advance so we were warned and knew what to watch for -- pestilence including pandemics/plandemics, disease, and the highly-dangerous "potions" (known in the Bible as pharmekia) that are sold as the only answer - even though we all have (and can strengthen) our God-given immune system. The deadly fallout for those who volunteered their health and lives is a direct consequence of following those who repeat Satan's planned agenda - and that always leads people away from God. If one continues to follow that path it ultimately leads to an eternal fiery death.

There is always a choice. Sure the other choice can be difficult but there is always a choice. And our eternal security is far more important anyway. Doing the right thing - especially as it almost always goes against the masses (of Satan's world) always requires bravery, but that too, is a choice.


We need to take heed and action. And in most cases (at least for myself) the best action is exactly the opposite of what the mainstream headlines and talking heads are telling the public to do - which will only lead us further into their deadly plan. It's also worth noting (in case it wasn't obvious already) that fact-checkers have nothing to do with facts but with removing truth and re-directing attention to advance Satan's narrative. So often, I find that the opposite direction is the path toward enlightenment and Godly truth.

Seeing Satan's Future Plan

To see Satan's plan more clearly, we can turn to the Bible. Thankfully, God wrote it down for us to know ahead of time. And the followers of Satan are so full of pride that they boast about what they're going to do next.

For example, we're already being told that there will be another pandemic, and it will be much more deadly. Yep. This is true. God told us so. Of course this makes it not so much a pandemic, as a plandemic, since they know exactly what it will be and when it will be released.

The fertilizer shortages, crop failures, wheat cut off from the world, the murder of millions of edible animals, paying farmers not to farm, transitioning from animal protein to bugs and Soylent Green, are all part of Satan's war on food, and his strategic plan for human starvation.

Things are not what they seem. What you're being told from the mass media is a lie. Satan's lie.

Of course, so is almost everything you've been taught - as Satan's six pillars of deception (that have their roots in almost everything) are Government, Education, Science, Medicine, Literature, and Religion. nearly everything you've learned in these categories is a Satanic lie. Of course, there's just enough truth to make it believable, but that's what makes it so convincing.

Pre-Tribulation Rapture

Often, I hear believers in Christ saying things like, "I won't be here for that, so I don't have to plan or worry about it."

But I’m saved and I believe that God’s plan includes a pre-tribulation rapture. So why would I have to worry about this?"

Even a pre-tribulation rapture doesn't mean we escape all tribulation - only the specified seven-year Tribulation. To be human is to know some level of tribulation. And the closer we are the the seven-year Tribulation the worse those trials will become.

God tells us that these events come like birth pains, each one stronger and closer together than the last. That means we’ll see (just as we are today) the exact things occurring (that will also occur in the great Tribulation), but to a lesser degree before the rapture.

How much more? We don’t know. Perhaps we’ll see 25% of this happening. Or maybe 75% before the rapture. If that’s true, we could possibly see bread prices between $15.52-$46.56 (based on world average wages) or $58.75-$176.25 (based on US average wages) per loaf, before the rapture. The longer we’re here the higher the price will be.

In Context

The passage we've focused on today comes from Revelation six. For a bigger perspective, when we read the book of Revelation, we begin with the blessings God promises to those who read this book, followed by the seven letters to the seven churches (chapters 1-3).

In Revelation 4:1 we find the rapture, followed by a heavenly description. Chapter five describes a book (or scroll) with seven seals and the only one (Jesus) who can open it.

By Revelation chapter six, as the first seal opens, the seven-year Tribulation begins. Those who were raptured (all true believers in Christ) witness these events from the mezzanine of the heavens. While those who rejected God, experience what happens when they get what they asked for - to be separated from God. When the believers are removed from the earth, the Holy Spirit (also known as the restrainer) is removed as well. Most people don't realize that ALL good things come from God. Without Him, there's only things that come from Satan -- hopelessness, pride, fear, and anger (to name a few). And the physical world will feel these vibrations all too well.

Yet, shockingly, many will still choose not to turn to God. But thankfully, God gives everyone one more chance, yet again. Because He loves us. There will be opportunities to accept Christ as Lord and Savior, but after the rapture this will be more difficult and it'll also require believers to restrain from getting the Mark of the Beast (which prevents them from being able to buy or sell).

As chapter six opens, we see the first seal break and the Antichrist comes onto the scene holding a covenant (probably the Peace Treaty) and he's adored and given the dominion to rule. The second seal allows for war, the removal of peace, and the opening of mass murder. The third seal is what we've focused on today, with famines and astronomically high prices of food. And to no surprise, what follows war and famine, will be pandemics (pestilence) and finally death (in the fourth seal) when 25% of the human population dies. If this were to happen today, with a current population of more than 7.7 billion, that would be 1.9 billion people killed.

I tell you these things, not to scare you but to empower you! The food shortages, threats of nuclear war, and pandemics that we're seeing already are only the beginning of what's to come. This is a pattern. One you can recognize and prepare for before the next wave hits - and it's coming faster than the last one.

Patterns of Birth Pains

This pattern repeated itself throughout history and will grow exponentially as we get closer to the events described in the book of Revelation. War, famine, pandemics, and death will continue to repeat. And while there may be some high intensities and quiet lows, overall, the future rounds will be far more deadly than the previous ones.

Peace Under Trials

It always shocks me how few people see these events coming. Even among fellow believers, there seems to be a majority who are surprised that these things are taking place. Sadly, it's usually the same percentage of believers who are "too busy" for God, and who attend religious services but don't prioritize studying God's words for themselves on a regular basis. If they did - if they dug into God's word to know the truth - none of us would be surprised. Instead, we'd be ready!

The difference is, for those who truly study God's word, we know what's coming. God tells us so we can be prepared, not scared.

To Do

You hold the power to do whatever you’d like with this information. Many will do nothing, some will panic, yet I've heard of several people exchanging their dollars for other forms of currency or into hard assets before the dollar devalues to something completely worthless. Others are learning to bake bread or moving out of the cities and growing their own organic food. And, thankfully, many are making time to open their Bible to find truth is a world of chaos.

As always, God loves us enough to let us know about these events before they reach our communities, families, and loved ones. When God told Noah about the upcoming worldwide flood, He didn't tell Noah to sit back and relax. Instead, God told Noah what's going to happen and gave Noah an action plan, to get busy and build that ark.

“Get busy and build that ark!"

With the known upcoming plandemics, toxic potions, economic collapse, and food shortages, perhaps today our ark is to remove ourselves from the dollar as best we can and prepare with organic food for our family, in a variety of ways. We can each read God's word and pray about how best to prepare our mind, spirit, body, and families for the upcoming events.

Paul tells us about being prepared and the importance of providing for ourselves (not relying on the governments, or others to provide for us). He also warns us to pay attention and be ready, versus being caught up in the worldly busyness that gains us nothing. So many are face down in their phones, repeating the masses, while not seeing the bigger picture of what's truly happening around them. We must keep our minds on God and do His work until He returns.

For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example, because we did not act in an undisciplined manner among you, nor did we eat anyone’s bread without paying for it, but with labor and hardship we kept working night and day so that we would not be a burden to any of you; not because we do not have the right to this, but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you, so that you would follow our example. For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either. For we hear that some among you are leading an undisciplined life, doing no work at all, but acting like busybodies. Now such persons we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ to work in quiet fashion and eat their own bread. But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary of doing good." 2 Thessalonians 3:7-13

It's interesting that Paul uses bread in this example. Just as the example in Revelation 6 as well.

Because we know this is coming, perhaps now is the time to learn the art of baking our own bread. I have no idea how either, but I can certainly ask someone who does, or while we still have access to this kind of practical education on the internet (before it's banned) we can learn these skills now -- preparing ourselves and our household for what's to come.

There are all kinds of ways we can provided for ourselves, now -- from digging deeper in the Bible to understand what's to come (so we're prepared, not scared or caught by surprise), to making financial changes (before the collapse gets worse -- and yes, it will get a LOT worse), to strengthening our immune system (learn more than 50 ways!), to moving out of the city (where mass chaos and panic will culminate), to becoming less reliable on the financial system or the electrical grids, or simply starting a garden in your backyard or on your balcony (yes, even a balcony can be home to an ultra- efficient Square Foot Garden). Even a tiny improvement may make one day a little easier in the future.

Spiritual Salvation

Beyond being physically and mentally prepared, the most important preparation is always spiritual salvation. Even as challenges rise, we can thrive with God's inner peace (amidst a panicked and chaotic world). There is always a choice, and to be at peace in the midst of chaos is only truly possible with eternal salvation through Jesus. When we're no longer afraid of death (because we know for certain that we'll live for eternity with God) then we can truly begin to live.

Trust me, you don't want to be here when God removes all of His goodness from the planet. Get to know Him now and prepare your heart for eternity, today.

Learn more here, Know God, Know Peace.

11-9-23 UPDATE: One Step Closer

Today marks yet another step closer to the collapse of the US dollar.

For the first time in history, the US debt is so astronomical that the government must spend one trillion dollars a year JUST to pay interest on the (33 trillion dollar) debt.

As we crunch these numbers we can see that within one year, the US debt will press beyond 41 trillion. And by the end of 2026 it will likely hit 50 trillion. That's assuming the United States is still semi-functioning by then. That's only three years from now.

This is a tipping point that's beyond any form of escape. It's an unstoppable multi-ton boulder careening down a hill, until it hits that last slightly upward trajectory before free falling. We're in that breathless moment where there's nothing but air underneath our currency. And for this fleeting moment things seem like they could continue the way they are or even get better. But that's a lie. We're already in a free fall to ultimate disaster, most just don't realize it yet.

When we base our facts on the all-knowing God, we can know for certain that these events will come to pass. The US currency collapse is accelerating towards us at an unprecedented speed. Take responsibility for this advanced wisdom and prepare your family now while you still can; before the food rationing and starvation begins. Plant a garden, grab an extra can of anything every time you're at the grocery store. Get back to God's nature, plant a garden. Sure, most of us won't grow all the food we need for our household, but having some is a whole lot better than having nothing. Amen and amen to Godly wisdom.

I tell you these things, not to convince you, but to spark curiosity and encourage you to dig deep and explore these issues for yourself.

As always, don't take my word for it.

Examine the Scriptures daily to see whether these things are true.

"Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica,

for they received the word with eagerness,

examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so."

- Acts 17:11

Written by Lori Grimmett, a student of Biblical studies for more than 40 years,

and of Biblical theology and eschatology for more than 25 years.


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