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Daily Mantra

My morning practice that grounds me throughout the day.

More than 20 years ago I began a practice that continues to bless me today.

My Daily Reading

Over the decades many people have shared with me that the'd like to read the Bible more but are overwhelmed with where to begin. For a daily reading, I have a personal favorite place - one that's become a favorite for many of my friends and family as well.

“A daily practice is more powerful than you realize.”

The Book of Proverbs

My favorite place for a morning reading is the book of Proverbs. It was written by King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived. A beautiful place to gain grounding and wisdom.

My Personal Method

This is my personal method… There are 31 chapters in Proverbs. Think of these like days in a month. Find the chapter that matches today’s date and read that chapter that day. (i.e. Sept. 19th = Proverbs chapter 19).

Read each verse slowly, let it pause (like breathing) a moment before the next verse. You don’t have to read the entire chapter. The process is more important than my guideline. Read as much of the chapter as you’d like.

Then skim over it again and find a verse or line that resonates with you in that moment. Memorize it as it is, or summarize it to a phrase or 1-3 words that will become your mantra for the day.

Proverbs contains one chapter for every day of the month and enough verses to keep this going for years. Every time you do this, you’re in a slightly different place than you were before. You’re not the same as you were two weeks ago or five years ago. I find that every time I do this I’m blessed with new insights. I feel more grounded as I begin my day, and as I repeat my mantra throughout the day it brings me back to that settled, quiet calm of the morning when it touched my heart.

“Try it for 40 days!”

See For Yourself

Give it a try and see what changes for you! A daily practice is powerful and can take time to become an integrated part of your life. My recommendation is to try it for 40 days. Experience this practice through good and bad days.

I tell you these things, not to convince you, but to spark curiosity and encourage you to dig deep and explore these issues for yourself.

As always, don't take my word for it.

Examine the Scriptures daily to see whether these things are true.

"Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica,

for they received the word with eagerness,

examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so."

- Acts 17:11

Written by Lori Grimmett, a student of Biblical studies for more than 40 years,

and of Biblical theology and eschatology for more than 25 years.


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